Dragon Ball Xenoverse Review

You probably know that Dragon Ball Xenoverse has been one of the most anticipated games in recent memory. The previews, the art style, the fast-paced fighting, all had us amped up to play this installment in the Dragon Ball video game universe. Learn more in this Dragon Ball Xenoverse review.

With all this pressure heaped on the game, did it live up to my outlandish expectations, or would it crash and burn like many other titles in recent years? Let’s jump into this review and take a look!


Simply put, Xenoverse nailed the feel of the show dead on. The cell-shaded art style keeps characters true to their on-screen alter egos and the sounds from the fights sent chills down my spine as I hear them for the first time in a long time. If you want to learn more about finding Void Skull locations in Der Eisendrache, check out this page.

The music that plays during the opening credits and during battles also deserves a round of applause. They both fit the Dragon Ball universe very well and the battle songs sure add that extra tension that is found in every battle during Dragon Ball Z’s episodes.

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The 5 best computer chairs for gaming

We’ve gathered the top 5 computer chairs for gaming in order of rating and user experience. We’ve read all the comments and came out this conclusion from gamers like yourself that have used these specific chairs. These are the 5 best computer chairs for gaming:

Open Wheeler


The Open Wheeler chair is one of the best chairs in the market. With its sleek look that comes with white and black leather covers, it comes to no surprise that this chair is our top pick. Pro gamers use these chairs while in tournaments for a reason. It comes with adjustable height and armrest.

Adjustable backrest and recliner that goes down to 170 degrees with rocking tilt functions. It has high back support with lumbar cushion with a hard pillow included. The high-quality cold cure foam, synthetic leather, and metal base make this a sturdy chair that can endure any intense gaming. We loved this chair when we got our hands on it. Personally, I own this one.

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VITA – The perfect all-digital machine

I’ve had a PlayStation Vita for some time now and I can honestly say that my time with it has been great. From Freedom Wars to Gravity Rush, and everything in between, I’ve been loving every second I have spent with it. All this time with it has uncovered something I’ve never thought I’d say. The Vita is a damn good, near-perfect, purely digital machine. So let’s take a better look at the VITA – The perfect all-digital machine.

When I first got my Vita, I had about 6 months of digital games built up from the PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection. I figured with all these games, jumping in on the Vita was well worth it and I was right.

I have sung the praises of the Vita on many occasions and I don’t want this piece to be about that. Collecting all of these digital titles have shown me how much going strictly digital benefits the Vita. When I travel, I don’t have to worry about bringing a collection of game cases, or even a game card holder.

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