Has any game ever left you in awe?
Video games have always been special to me. The way they come at you visually, in an audio sense, and in a tactile way through controller vibrations as well. These are all ways that a game can give us an experience like none other and leave us wanting more. My question to you is simple. Has any game ever left you in awe? I’ll share a few of mine.
The most memorable moment that a video game really got to me was when I was playing Skyrim a few years back. Anyone who knows me knows that I am in love with what Skyrim brought to the table and I played well over 500 hours of it.
I was exploring and climbing mountains one day and I reached the top of a mountain. As I looked over the sunrise-lit landscape, Jeremy Soule’s ‘Far Horizons” hit a beautiful stretch (around the 1:00 mark of that, when combined with the visuals, sent chills down my spine and a smile to my face.
Has any game ever left you in awe? Read More »